Join the team

See the roles we are seeking at Wheal Martyn, including volunteering opportunities. Read more

Why visit

Dig deep and discover the special ingredient in your everyday life that still shapes Cornwall and the world today…china clay! It hides in your toothpaste, your paper, your car tyres and even your cosmetics. It’s a billion pound, global industry. We are telling the story of Cornwall’s secret, and the people who brought it to you, from the heart of Clay Country. Read more

Our museum

China clay mining has shaped the landscape, lives of people and economy of mid-Cornwall for over 250 years. It is Cornwall’s largest mining industry. A fully Accredited Museum, we are based within two Victorian china clay works, now a Scheduled Ancient Monument. We tell the story of this fascinating industry and the people who worked and lived in the shadows of Cornwall’s iconic ‘white pyramids’. Read more


Step behind the scenes of our china clay museum to join the team before we open to the public! Read more

Memory Cafe

Our Memory Café is held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, from 2.00pm - 4.00pm in the Learning Space. Read more


To ensure our rich china clay heritage is preserved, understood and accessible to all, we develop and deliver a range of projects to further the aims of the charity. As a small museum we rely on project funding to support our education, engagement and curatorial work, as well as larger scale development projects. Read more

Birthday Parties

Looking to host a birthday party with a difference? Wheal Martyn might just be the place for you! Read more

Fundraising events

Fundraising events are an important way of securing the funds we need to develop the work of our charity. Read more

Partners and funders

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the organisations and individuals listed below, and those who have given anonymously, who have generously supported our work, either financially or through partnership working. Read more


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Our Proud Roots - a family exploration of our proud roots

Proudly celebrating our local landscape, environment and people, Our Proud Roots is a chance to explore and reflect on what makes our place and community special, as seen through fresh eyes and with a new perspective in our changed world. This is a chance to re-discover nature and the wonderful effects it has on our body and soul! Read more